Running in the heat

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Running in the heat comes with risks. If you do not take good care of yourself by drinking enough or if you are not well prepared for the heat, this can have unpleasant consequences. Take care of yourself and take these tips about running and heat to heart.

Are you participating in a running event where the temperature forecasts are high? Then it is important to prepare yourself well for the warm weather. Especially when the body has not yet been able to get used to exertion at such temperatures. It is important to realize that the danger of overheating does not come from outside, but from within. Because you exert yourself a lot, your body produces a lot of heat. Problems will arise if that heat cannot be dissipated properly.

When it is warm, thin, airy clothing is preferable. Shorts or tights and a singlet are sufficient. Remember that it will still be chilly at the start. You can walk the first part with arm warmers (you can roll them down or take them off later) and a buff around your neck (you can wear them on your wrist later). Wear light colors because they reflect sunlight best.

You will have to adjust your target pace. How much exactly, it is impossible to say. Well-trained, lean runners will perform a few percent less. For less well-trained runners with a higher BMI, this can increase to 5% or more. It is best to pick up your adjusted pace right from the start, especially if the conditions are tough.

The care along the way is usually extended in warm weather, but is little different than under normal circumstances. Provide sufficient energy and fluid. Right from the start! Due to the heat, extra fluid intake (in moderation) is advisable. Rely on your feeling of thirst and do not keep adding more if you notice that your body is not processing it. Preferably drink sports drinks and not just water. Make good use of the sponge and aid stations.

View the route of the running event in advance. You can use the map of the course to see where the wind is with you, and where it is against or from the side. Normally, headwind is a great enemy of the runner. But a headwind (and crosswind) does provide some extra cooling. On the parts where you have the wind at your back and the sun on your head, it will be difficult to lose the heat. Run in the shade of trees and buildings as much as possible during the entire race.

Reflection moment
Let go of your desire to cross the finish line - at any cost - and make each 5km point a moment of reflection: are you still doing it responsibly, or are you busy by to go beyond your limits? If you have the feeling that you are not losing heat properly (a `hot` head); if you get a weak feeling in your legs; when you get goosebumps; if you feel nauseous or dizzy and you notice that you have problems with coordination: walk more slowly and if the complaints do not disappear, go for a walk or get out.

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